
Learn More About Hair Transplantation

Hair Transplant Pain After Surgery

When we consider getting a hair transplant surgery, or any other aesthetic procedure, there are some risks that we should also take. Today, the success rate of hair transplantation procedures has reached 90%. But not all the candidates go through the same recovery process. We would like to say that hair transplant after surgery is rare, but it generally depends on how the patient’s body reacts to the procedure.

There is no connection between being the best candidate for a hair transplantation surgery or possible pain or any other complication that may occur. A good candidate has to meet some requirements before a hair transplant surgery. These requirements are:

  • A good health condition
  • No Diabetes
  • No chronic diseases
  • No chemotherapy sessions
  • Non-smoker and drinker
  • No skin diseases

These are all needed for good hair transplantation surgery. Having all of these doesn’t mean that you will not encounter the possible side effects of hair transplant surgery.

Pain During And After Hair Transplantation

Patients are administered local and or general anesthesia in order to provide the best comfort during typical hair transplantation surgery ( commonly FUE ). Best comfort refers to the least pain during the surgery. People don’t feel any pain but sometimes little itching-like touches of the needle during the surgery.

After the surgery, the surgical areas are covered with bandages and the patient is not allowed to put them off during the early days of recovery.

However, People have different immune systems and metabolism. If the immune system targets hair strands, there may be swellings and inflammation over the surgical area, and eventually pain…

There are not many cases involving agonizing pain experiences. Most of the painful experiences of the patients don’t reach an agonizing level. But if they do, the doctor’s consultancy may be needed for transcription drugs.

The doctor will give you the right painkiller which is best your pain. Since not all the painkillers work the same way, it is also the best for you to execute the right medication plan during your fight against such complications.

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